We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Meal plans are convenient, flexible, and loaded with options. Your meal plan includes dining locations all across campus with a range of menus and offerings. You'll get guaranteed value, whether you eat on campus three times a week or three times a day! We've got you covered. See our Meal Plan options below for more information. FLEX that is associated to meal plans (Includes: All Access Silver, All Access Gold, All Access Platinum, Maroon Plan, and Village Plan) will rollover from fall to spring and expire at the end of the spring semester. FLEX added to accounts without a meal plan, will not rollover. Only FLEX associated with the above meal plans will rollover. Your meal plan will auto renew for the Spring semester unless the student notifies the WIDS office to change.  

All students living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. Only student with 30+ hours are eligible to purchase the Maroon Plan. Only students living in the Bayou Village Apartments are eligible to purchase the Village Plan. You are not required to pay for your plan with a credit card. To make changes to your meal plan, please contact the WIDS office at idcard@ulm.edu.   
  • All Access Silver
    • Unlimited meal swipes
    • $150 FLEX
    • 1 Buddy Swipe per week
    • 1 swipe per hour
  • Student FLEX Reload
    • $25 FLEX
  • All Access Gold
    • Unlimited meal swipes
    • 250 FLEX
    • 1 Buddy Swipe per week
    • 1 swipe per hour
  • All Access Platinum
    • Unlimited meal swipes
    • 350 FLEX
    • 2 Buddy Swipes per week
    • 1 swipe per hour
  • Maroon Plan
    • 160 meal swipes
    • $565 FLEX
    • Per Semester
    • Flex dollars roll over from Fall to Spring, only if you sign up for another meal plan with flex, in the Spring.
  • Village Plan
    • 75 meal swipes
    • $375 FLEX
    • Per Semester
    • Flex dollars roll over from Fall to Spring, only if you sign up for another meal plan with flex, in the Spring.

Need help with your meal plan?

Contact us and we’d be happy to assist you!